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Basic History of the Languages of Arda

This is a guide for those of you trying to figure out what language people would be speaking and naming in a fanfiction/roleplay/daydream. Before the Sun and the Moon Eru makes the Ainur, and they speak Valarin, and presumably through music. The Elves awaken at Cuiviénen, and they speak Common

Foreign Tongues in Fanfic

This essay/rant is mostly based off of an essay by a friend of mine whose website vanished from the internet because she’s moved on. Or died. I have no idea, she’s just gone. Farewell Nurvingiel, you were a great writer and your essay on using foreign languages in story-telling was

Donate to Realelvish

If you like the high-quality translations I provide and want my work to continue please donate and spread the word of what I do here! This website takes a LOT of work, time, and money to keep running, and I am not doing it as a hobby. I have a

The Origin of Man

The most common and incorrect assumption about Men is that Men of Arda are just like us. Like the Elves, their appearance and strength is based upon their genealogical past. Like the Elves, they have a beginning that is carefully planned out. Men share weaknesses with us, and some of

Elven Wedding Vows

Related essay: An Elven Wedding Quenya Pronunciation Sindarin Pronunciation We don’t know what the actual wedding vows of the elves are, but we can guess based on Tolkien’s description of wedding ceremonies in the Laws and Customs of the Eldar. At Betrothal First, the two lovers discuss the possibility, (use

Elven Naming Traditions of Middle-earth

If you haven’t read the essay on the Elven naming traditions of Valinor, go back and read it, then read this essay. The conclusions and terminology used in this essay will make more sense if you do so. Of the naming traditions of the Eldar who lived in Valinor, we

Naming Traditions

One of the most important aspects of building a character in Tolkien’s world is the character’s name. The name of the character speaks of the character’s history, culture, personality, present, and occasionally, its future. Many fan writers try (and fail) to do this, so here is a few pages devoted

I’m back! and SPAM

Hi! I’m back from my adventures going to school, doing NaNoWriMo (I won!), and getting surgery (bi-lateral breast-reduction). I’m still a little sore from surgery, but I don’t need the powerful pain meds that make me extremely loopy. Therefore, I have given myself a green light to go back to