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Elvish Poem: Glaer Boromir

Since this poem is for Boromir, a Gondorian, I’ve put it in the Gondorian dialect of Sindarin. You’ll notice that it leans heavily of Quenya loanwords and uses slightly different mutations than other dialects of Sindarin. Boromir’s Riddle Original English by J. R. R. Tolkien Cesto1 grist *rangen:2 Mi Imladris

Elvish Poem: Ollas Nin o hAuth

I Dreamed of War I ûl osp cân annin vin ely nîn. Cenin anin ‘Rûn, anin mâr e-Dawarwaith, i noss nîn. Lith haer toba i lammen ned i thuion. Echuiel faug, ethuion ar anin chenneth nîn nerin. I gened nîn eno ‘annen vin ôl nîn. I thî velig maethyr heregui

Elvish Poem: Sui Guil

Such is Life Mi moth gwilwileth ortha, A sîr lhûg ‘ond awartha. Sui guil, sui guil. Or ael heledir dortha, Di ‘olf dhannen lim dartha. Sui guil, sui guil. Mi ‘aladh melethyr1 erthar, Nu Ithil ‘ael aderthar. Sui guil, sui guil. In a pond, a butterfly rises, By a stream,

Calendars of Arda

Eldarin Calendar Elves have a long time to live, and thus, divide their lives accordingly. Elves prefer to count time by 12 and 6. Terms Yén (Quenya) 144 years Coranar or Loa (Quenya) – În or Idhrin (Sindarin) 365 days Enquië (Quenya) 1 week, 6 days long Ré (Quenya) –

The Origin of Man

The most common and incorrect assumption about Men is that Men of Arda are just like us. Like the Elves, their appearance and strength is based upon their genealogical past. Like the Elves, they have a beginning that is carefully planned out. Men share weaknesses with us, and some of

Trustworthy Websites

These are all websites that I recommend. To see a list of websites that are often mistaken for good sources of Tolkien’s languages visit the Untrustworthy Websites list. Dictionaries About Tolkien’s Languages Tolkien Language Communities Elvish Compositions About Writing Systems Fonts and Lists of Fonts About Arda About and Hosting

Sindarin Sentient Creatures, Tribes, and Nationalities

Here's a list of words for sentient things capable of speech. I've organized them by number. These words are the same in all Sindarin dialects unless otherwise marked: Gondorian Dialect: (G. parentheses) Doriathren Dialect: (D. parentheses) A quick set of definitions of the grammatical terms: Singular One [noun] Plural More

Elven Wedding Vows

Related essay: An Elven Wedding Quenya Pronunciation Sindarin Pronunciation We don’t know what the actual wedding vows of the elves are, but we can guess based on Tolkien’s description of wedding ceremonies in the Laws and Customs of the Eldar. At Betrothal First, the two lovers discuss the possibility, (use

Sindarin Pronunciation

The voice actors were Fiona Jallings (female voice that struggles with R-rolling) and Adam Elliott (male voice brought in to roll R’s). General Dialect Vowels Diphthongs Consonants Where the stress falls Dialects Doriathren Sindarin Woodelven Sindarin Gondorian Sindarin Sindarin has three different writing systems, so the sounds are written with