Search results for 'Fair' > Page 10


Howdy all! For the past month, Phil Smith and I (to be fair, it was mostly Phil) have been laboring on the new design for the website. We were trying to achieve a more efficient, more professional appearance for the website. I think we’ve succeeded! So long big background! So

Awarded Hiatus

Hello everyone! Please forgive me for not being there for so long! I do have a few excuses. I was moving to a new dorm room, and it took a few days to get the Internet service transferred, and I had to reinstall Windows twice. I haven’t done much with

The Origin of Man

Little to tell you today except that I’ve finally got Internet access again! –Oh, and I’ve finished a new essay called “The Origin of Man” and did a little tweaking in the Sindarin Phrase Book. I have a new e-mail address! From now on, please use —– dreamingfifi/Navaer Lalaith Random