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Basic History of the Languages of Arda

This is a guide for those of you trying to figure out what language people would be speaking and naming in a fanfiction/roleplay/daydream. Before the Sun and the Moon Eru makes the Ainur, and they speak Valarin, and presumably through music. The Elves awaken at Cuiviénen, and they speak Common

Foreign Tongues in Fanfic

This essay/rant is mostly based off of an essay by a friend of mine whose website vanished from the internet because she’s moved on. Or died. I have no idea, she’s just gone. Farewell Nurvingiel, you were a great writer and your essay on using foreign languages in story-telling was

Elven Races

Elves are all pretty people with pretty hair and pretty eyes and pretty bodies and pretty fortune telling telepathic powers and pretty neat magic and pretty cool action scenes, right? Wrong! Contrary to popular belief in the fan fiction/RPG world, Tolkien’s Elves aren’t just prettier, more magical, cooler versions of

Elvish Poem: Ollas Nin o hAuth

I Dreamed of War I ûl osp cân annin vin ely nîn. Cenin anin ‘Rûn, anin mâr e-Dawarwaith, i noss nîn. Lith haer toba i lammen ned i thuion. Echuiel faug, ethuion ar anin chenneth nîn nerin. I gened nîn eno ‘annen vin ôl nîn. I thî velig maethyr heregui

Donate to Realelvish

If you like the high-quality translations I provide and want my work to continue please donate and spread the word of what I do here! This website takes a LOT of work, time, and money to keep running, and I am not doing it as a hobby. I have a


In The Lord of the Rings, Legolas hears a seagull’s call and right away starts wanting to go to the sea. Then there all of these other Elves that are leaving Middle-earth in droves, going to the sea. Many fans have wondered about that and started some fanon based on