Old English Pronunciation Guide
Names for your male characters.
Adwig - War wealth
Adwine - Rich friend
Aldor - Chief, elder
Aldwine - Old friend
Ardwulf - Land wolf
Baldhelm - Bold helm
Baldmund - Bold peace
Baldor - Lord
Baldred - Bold counsel
Baldric - Bold power
Baldwig - Bold fighter
Baldwine - Bold friend
Bertric - Bright power
Brego - Prince, chieftain
Britta - Distributor, giver
Cadda - Battle
Celmund - Keel protection
Cenhelm - Keen helm
Cenric - Keen power
Cenulf - Keen wolf
Déor - Animal
Deorwine - Animal friend
Dernhelm - Secret helm
Dungar - Dark spear
Dunhere - Dark army
Dunsig - Dark victory
Dunstan - Dark stone
Dunwine - Dark friend
Edbert - Bright fortune
Edgar - Wealth spear
Eforhild - Battle boar
Eforwine - Boar friend
Elfbert - Bright Elf
Elfgar - Elfspear
Elfhelm - Elf helm
Elfred - Elf counsel
Elfstan - Elf stone
Elfswith - Elf strong
Elfwine - Elf friend
Eofor - Boar
Éomer - Famous horse
Éomund - Horse of peace
Eorl - Earl
Eothain - Horse thane
Erkenbrand - Precious torch
Ethelfrith - Noble peace
Ethelred - Noble counsel
Ethelward - Noble guardian
Ethelwine - Noble friend
Fastred - Firm counsel
Fastwine - Firm friend
Felaróf - Very strong, heroic
Fengel - Prince, lord
Folca - Folk
Folcred - Folk counsel
Folcwine - Friend of the folk
Fram - Onward
Fréa - Lord
Fréaláf - Remaining lord
Fréawine - Lord friend
Freca - Champion
Frithbert - Bright peace
Frithdag - Day of peace
Frumgar - First spear
Gamling - Old man
Garwine - Spear friend
Gladwine - Glad friend
Goldwine - Gold friend
Gram - Fierce
Gríma - Mask, helmet
Grimmund - Grim peace
Grimwine - Grim friend
Háma - Home, house
Hefric - Power of the ocean
Helm - Helmet, guardian
Hereward - Army guard
Hild - Battle
Hildred - Battle counsel
Hulac - He sacrifices
Léod - Man
Léofa - Beloved
Leofdag - Beloved day
Leofric - Beloved power
Leofstan - Beloved stone
Leofwine - Beloved friend
Ordlac - Spear sacrifice
Ordred - Spear counsel
Ordstan - Spear stone
Sewine - Sea friend
Thengel - Lord
Théodred - Folk counsel
Tirwald - Powerful fame
Tordag - Difficult day
Torfrith - Difficult peace
Wald - Forest
Wigbald - Bold fighter
Wulf - Wolf
Wulfgan - Wolf magic
Wulfstan - Wolf stone