We finally outdid our free bandwidth. The website is down for a few days while we move to a new name server, with lots more bandwidth! Pity it costs so much. Check out the Donate page if you’d like to help keep the website afloat!
Exilic Names
The Noldorin Names were a mess. I’m replacing them with Exilic names, which are taking forever to put together. Also, I put together a quick little index for the pronunciation guides so people can find them a little more easily.
Sindarin Phrases
I’ve added a new set of phrases for the Sindarin-speaking Lindarin Elves and the Woodelves. I also cleaned up some small errors that I somehow missed before, and re-translated a few phrases. I got rid of hanna– as well. Using it has always bothered me, but it’s so prevalent in
Elven Healing
A new essay is up! Check it out in the Essays section! Eldarin Views on Killing and Healing, and the History of the Elessar
Sindarin Names
One thing that has been delaying my making of a complete Exilic namelist is that I didn’t have Sindarin verbs made into names yet. I just finished translating a mountain of Sindarin verbs into hundreds of new Sindarin names! The Exilic names should go much quicker now! I’m also cleaning
The death of Geocities took with it many fantastic Tolkien-linguistics websites. I hadn’t done a complete link-check until now, and found a large number of the websites are now gone. How depressing! I hope they find new homes, because they were excellent resources. Novaer mellyn!
Fragile Mortality
Some of you may know this already, but last Saint Nicolas’ Day, my grandfather died. We were quite close. He was a brilliant anthropologist and quite gifted at learning languages. If you want to know more about him, do a search on Frank Bessac. I miss him terribly, to the
Quenya Pronunciation
There’s finally a Quenya pronunciation page! It only took me seven years to make it. Still working on Exilic names. I’ve finally found a format that I think might work. There may be some beta testing in the future. Galu!
Doriathrin Namelists deleted and replaced with updated Sindarin namelists. Next is the Exilic names! … After I finish rewriting homework assignments. Galu!
Sindarin Phrasebook
A new Beta Reader was added to the list. Dozens of new phrases have been added to the phrasebook, as well as a new section: Rescue Mission. It has been changed to reflect the different dialects of Sindarin too.