Search results for 'Léra'


Free Léra – Free

Charles in Elvish

Charles, your name is really cool! It’s an old Germanic name meaning “Free Person.” It’s been a popular name for men and women for over a thousand years, basically ever since the Frankish king Charlemagne reigned. I included feminine versions of the name because they’ve developed in fascinating ways right

From Book to Movie

Why Read the Books? Many fans like to try their hand at writing The Lord of the Rings fan fiction after seeing the movie. I suppose they figure, “Hey, it’s the movie of the book, right? There can’t be that many changes, right?” Luckily, they are wrong. The books are

Sindarin Sentient Creatures, Tribes, and Nationalities

Here's a list of words for sentient things capable of speech. I've organized them by number. These words are the same in all Sindarin dialects unless otherwise marked: Gondorian Dialect: (G. parentheses) Doriathren Dialect: (D. parentheses) A quick set of definitions of the grammatical terms: Singular One [noun] Plural More